About Us
We offer a platform that helps retailer businesses to list their products to enhance the visibility of their listings to potential buyers. By utilizing our platform, retailer businesses can significantly boost their online presence, reach a broader audience, and attract more customers.
Our Mission:
Our core mission is to help retailer businesses to increase their sales by connecting with buyers and also to enable buyers to easily find the products with some form of discount & offer as they desire. We aim to simplify this process by providing useful tools and features using technology to make posted products more visible, searchable, readable, and accessible to everyone, at any time and from anywhere.
Our Vision:
Our long-term vision is straightforward: bridging the gap between sellers and buyers by leveraging technology effectively. We will continue to provide valuable features and functionality that can benefit for retailers and shops to reaching their target customers. As we grow, we will continue enhancing our platform to make it even more user-friendly and useful.
If you have any questions or suggestions for anything, please contact by emailing to us at admin@dealsnotover.com